Diving in Pensacola
Scuba diving in pensacola
Pensacola is one of the hidden secrets if you are looking to scuba dive in the NW Florida panhandle. We hear it all the time, “I didn’t realize the diving was so good in Pensacola!”. Let us let you in on a little secret.. IT IS!
Pensacola, Perdido Key and the surrounding areas are part of the Emerald Coast, which gives us access to the warm, clear waters of the Gulf. Visibility is generally around 80 foot, but can swing based on rainfall from 30 feet on the low end to over 150 feet on amazing days! We rarely have any current to speak of, which makes diving easy and fun for people of all skill levels.
Water temps average around 75-80 most of the year, with the winter months dropping down into the lower 60’s – or “refreshing” as we like to call it. Those coming from the north will find it far warmer than the quarry diving you are used to. In the warm summer months, lots of divers are either in boardshorts or a light skin. Most of the year, Pensacola can be dived in a 3 mil suit. Depending on how cold you get underwater, either a 5 or 7 mil suit will get you through the dives in the winter. We do have lots of divers that choose to dive dry, so break out that drysuit and you will stay toasty warm in any temperature.
Your Dive destination
Something For Everyone!
We have hundreds of dive sites for you to experience including wrecks, natural bottom, and artificial reefs. The depths of our dive locations vary from some in 50 feet of water to technical diving levels below 200 feet. We have a large number of dive sites in each depth range to accommodate all certification and comfort levels.
Dive Sites
Dive Sites
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